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March 12, 2004-Friday

Clear and sunny. Cool.

I've never thought much about writing, but today I was working on some conversations for a new textbook that my school will put out and I started to really think about it. What if I say something that is a hidden racial slur? What if I make a grammar mistake? Is this even interesting? Many things rolled through my head. I started to worry about the shading in meanings between words. Finally, I just decided that I should just work on making it sound natural. I think it sounded good in the end.

I had a pretty quiet day at work. It gave me time to prepare for tomorrow's classes and do some work on the textbook.

After work, we came home and Fumihiko made dinner. It was really good too! No nabe, no yakiniku, no shabu-shabu. It was good.

I've got a busy day tomorrow and I'm a bit tired so I'm going to end this now. Gotta go. Night!

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