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March 13, 2004-Saturday

Rainy then clear in the evening.

I had a good day, basically. I slept in late this morning and then got up for work. Fumihiko took me out for breakfast, then dropped me off at work.

Work was okay today, nothing too exciting. The kids class was close to being a nightmare, but not quite. We'll start a new book soon so it should get a bit better.

After work Fumihiko and I went to Gyu-Oh for yakiniku. It was quite nice and we ate a lot. Tsk, tsk. Then, we came home and Fumihiko watched Cast Away, the Tom Hanks movie. It was quite good. I guess you could say that I watched it too.

I think we'll be going to sleep presently. I've have no idea what we'll do tomorrow. Tune in and find out! Night night.

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