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March 17, 2004 - Wednesday

Sunny and warm in the morning, cool and rainy at night.

I had a bit of a different morning today. On the way to the apartment we gave my student a ride...he works at the same place as Fumihiko, so it was on our way. Then, at the apartment I didn't go to sleep. I almost fell asleep, but I didn't quite.

What I did do was ride my bike to City Hall. I had to have my Alien Registration card updated. Since I got a new visa, I have to update the card too. I got it done really quickly then left to go back to the apartment.

On the way I stopped off at a nice stationary store and bought some birthday cards and pens, then made a quick deposit at the post office. I got home and it was just time to shower and get ready for work. I'd forgotten to take out my meat yesterday so I decided to go out for lunch today.

Work was fine. I wasn't too busy, but I had things to do. I planned classes for today and the day I come back from my holiday, plus I worked on my conversations that I wrote for our publishing department.

Classes were fine...I enjoyed them anyway!

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and took me to M's Dining. I'm a bit worried about the future there. They are announcing a new menu, but it sounds like a lot of things that I can't eat. Stuff like pasta, risotto, that kind of thing. The nice thing about this place is the low carb friendly menu. Pasta isn't okay for me. Sigh. We may have to find a new "our" place.

We came home and now Fumihiko is working on his puzzle! He's doing well on it. I want to go to bed fairly soon, so I'll end this now. Have a good night all.

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