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March 25, 2004 - Thursday

A little cloudy and slightly cold today.

A good day. I didn't go to bed until quite late last night, so it was really nice to be able to sleep in. I finally got up around 10. Instead of taking my shower right away I did something strange. I cleaned. Yep. I cleaned the sink. I had had a lot of things piling up in it and today I washed everything and cleared it away. It was a good feeling. Then, I showered, cooked, ate, and left.

Work was so so today. I was a little busy in the early part of the day and had nothing to do in the evening. I had a lesson, model lesson, lesson, lunch then another lesson. Not really that bad. All three of my evening classes didn't come so I was a bit sad.

The good thing was I got finished really quickly and called Fumihiko to come and get me. We were going to Gusto, but it looked really busy, so we went to Cocos instead. It was quite nice. Today we had their Caesar salad and I really enjoyed it.

After that we came home and that was that! My day. It was okay, not too exciting, but it seemed like fun. What will tomorrow be like? Hmmm. Tune in and find out!

Night night.

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