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March 26, 2004 - Friday

A bit of rain in the morning, mostly sunny the rest of the day.

A pretty good day really. In the morning I did laundry and then did my usual stuff. I left a bit late for work so I rode my bike. That was fun.

I was a bit busy in the morning then had a bit of a lull in the afternoon. I did planning for tomorrow and today, that kind of stuff.

After work I left early and met Fumihiko at my apartment. I put my laundry in the car and then we went to Dan for dinner. It was really nice. We had chicken and eggplant and salmon.

We came home and I discovered that a package from Vanessa had arrived. She sent me some videos and a couple of DVD's to test our DVD works! Yay. We're watching Angeleyes now. It seems good.

And that was my day. Tune in tomorrow to see if I survive the monsters tomorrow!

Night, night.

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