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October 3, 2004 - Sunday

Rainy, but clearing in the evening.

This morning we slept in a bit, got up and went to my school's party. We had fun. It was raining so we didn't have the imoni party outside, we had it at the school. We cooked the imoni downstairs and ate upstairs. I think everyone had a good time. I did anyway!

After the party, Fumihiko and I went to Mr. Donuts for something to drink. Then, Fumihiko had a meal there. He brought me home and then left. I tried to take a nap, except I was really, really cold. I think I dozed off for a while. Fumihiko was at home visiting his Mum and delivering some dog food.

When Fumihiko came back we ended up going off to dinner. We went to Jiro. We had a lovely meal of pork saute....half with Japanese style sauce and half with garlic oil sauce. Yum.

I wanted to go to a hundred yen store after that, so we did. I was looking for wire hangers, but the only ones I saw were really small. I bought a bunch of stuff for school and for Christmas too. I got a bit of wrapping paper today.

Then we came home and watched about 4 episodes of Twin Peaks. It's so great seeing it again. I remember so much, but I'd forgotten just how smart it is, and how much fun! This is one box set I intend to watch more than once.

And that's it. I'm tired so I'll likely go to sleep soon. I think we'll drive to Akita tomorrow because Fumihiko needs to pick up some form for a test he has to take. We won't go all the way to Akita city though.

Night night!

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