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October 6, 2004 - Wednesday

Rainy and cloudy all day.

I got some very bad news today, but I can't share it with you. I don't know all of the details yet so it just wouldn't be fair. It's bad, but not entirely unexpected though.

Other than that, my day was okay. I had a new student in my kids class and she did really well. I was worried that she wouldn't be able to keep up with the other students but she did. We finished the class by singing their favourite "I am the Music Girl". It was great, a real cheer me up-er!

I taught a new textbook tonight and it went well. I think the student even enjoyed herself! I did, so that was good. In another class, the student showed up right at the end of class. He'd made a mistake about the class time. Strange that!

After work I went out with Fumihiko to Cocos. We had a good dinner and then bought a few groceries and came home. That was my day. Not very exciting in many ways.

Night night.

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