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October 5, 2004 - Tuesday

Rainy and cloudy all day.

Our first day back to work got off to a bad start. We overslept and Fumihiko was late for work. He'd set the alarm clock and I'd even checked it before going to sleep, but for some reason the darn thing didn't go off. I woke up after 8 and woke him up. He had to rush off. He said later that he was almost on time so it was okay I guess.

I got to work on time and had a bit of a rush to get things ready. Luckily I'd left most of my stuff ready before my holiday...Good thinking me! I had 5 classes with only my lunch break. Sadly, my last class didn't come. Sigh.

I phoned Fumihiko as soon as it turned 9 o'clock but he didn't answer his phone. Too bad. He called me back later and picked me up. We went to Gusto for dinner tonight. I had chicken and veggies. It was good, if not spectacular.

When I got home I discovered that my FBC catalogue had arrived so I spent a few minutes going through it making a wish list. I probably won't order all the stuff I want to, but I like to dream.

Fumihiko is painting a sign for outside our door. I wish him luck! I made him some breakfast...just cooked some sausages and bacon, added a piece of cheese to the plate. Aren't I nice? We're both currently drinking some lemongrass tea courtesy of my lovely new teapot. Yum yum.

And that's my day. No Twin Peaks today. Sadly, we finished the DVD set. I hope they'll release more, but I read that they might not. That would be a shame.

Gotta go. Night night!

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