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October 26, 2004 - Tuesday

Rainy all day.

This morning I woke up with a start. Fumihiko had hit the alarm but not gotten up. He still had some time, but he had to get up immediately if he was going to get to work on time. I guess he made it!

I biked to work in the light rain. It's getting to be a pain, rain every day. I don't like riding in the rain from a safety point of view and also from a don't like rain point of view!

I was quite busy at work today, six classes and everybody showed up. It was impressive actually. After work, although I finished up quite early, I decided to read and not call Fumihiko. I haven't had a lot of me time recently and I really needed to relax. So, I worked on my new John Grisham novel, The Street Lawyer, and vegged out. Heaven! When Fumihiko arrived I was happy to see him.

For dinner we went to the place in Voice. It was nice tonight. I had fish, pork and salad. I enjoyed everything.We hit the grocery store on the way home too.

At home I got my slow cooker prepared for tomorrow. I'm going to try it again. This time I'm going to use whole chicken breast with a lot of veggies. Hopefully that'll stop the meat from getting too dry again. Hopefully!

And that's about it. Not much to talk about really. I was so busy that it was boring! Silly that!

Gotta go. Night night.

Oh, one last thing. I've been working on making this site look more interesting with interesting backgrounds. They usually look fine on my browser, but how do they look on yours? If you notice a background that is annoying or stops you from reading my pages, let me know and I'll try to change it. Thanks!

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