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December 3, 2005 - Saturday

Rainy, a little snowy. Cooling down.

This morning when I got up, I saw snow on the ground outside. Yikes. It didn't stay that long, but it was definitely the white stuff. Oh no. Don't come soon.

This morning Fumihiko was off so we slept in a bit, then I got up and checked my email. I also took a shower and got ready for work. We went out for breakfast to Gusto. I wasn't feeling that great and sort of thought about calling in sick, but as I'm on holiday at the end of next week decided I couldn't. After breakfast and a wonderful cup of lavender tea I felt much better, so it was okay.

I was much busier today than I've been for a bit. It was good. I did have one cancellation though; a student was too sick to come. That was sad. During my free time I tried to paint my pinata, but I didn't have enough paint for the job. I'll have to try and finish it on Tuesday if I can get more paint beforehand.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and we went to an izakaya near my old apartment. We had a nice meal. We had nabe, eggplant with cheese, yakitori, stir-fry and some cucumber with ume sauce. It was all quite nice.

We came home and had a quiet evening. Fumihiko was reading his book and chuckling away every now and then. I was writing email and surfing the net.

Fumihiko is off to bed now, he has to work tomorrow. I'm a little glad because it gives me a chance to do all the things that I need to. Wrap Christmas presents, do laundry, set up the Christmas tree....that kind of thing. I also have to write more Christmas cards if I get time.

And, speaking of Christmas cards, I got my first one today. Thanks Masako! Yay. I was singing and doing the dance of happiness when I saw it.

That's my day. It was pretty good actually. Night night.


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