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December 11, 2005 - Sunday

Cold with lots of snow everywhere.

What a day. I stayed up too late last night and this morning when I tried to get up was quite groggy. I popped back into bed for another 30 - 40 minutes, and felt a lot better when I got up.

Fumihiko and I headed over to the school and I finished setting up. It's a good thing that we were early as the guy with the cake showed up 20 minutes early! I sneaked a peek and it was beautiful.

People began arriving just before the start time. I had set up a tree decoration area for early arrivals and it was nice to see the kids use it. We glued their decorations to the drawing of a tree that I had made last week. Generally the party went well. The pinata was too tough though! It was really difficult to break. Finally, Fumihiko and I had to bring down the string and hold it at child level! It never really broke the way it was supposed to.

After the party Fumihiko and I had a big hug, and then started the clean up. There wasn't a lot to do in a way, people here are great at helping to clean up. On the other hand, I had to wash tables and set up chairs in the correct places, so it wasn't all a barrel of laughs.

We rolled out of the school around 4 and then came home to dump stuff. Then we headed out to the mall. The plan was to see Zathura. The plan failed! We started playing Fumihiko's coin games but didn't lose the coins as fast as we hoped. In fact, I did really well for ages. When we went to have dinner we only had 45 minutes before the show. I said to Fumihiko that I'd rather not see it if we had to rush and not enjoy dinner, so we ended up not going to the movie.

Instead we came home and watched two dvds. The first one was The Crow, the Special Edition, the second was Labyrinth, the collector's edition. The Crow seemed quite a bit different than I remember. It wasn't as good in many ways. It seemed like they'd added a lot more scenes. Labyrinth was great. I really enjoyed it again. The only problem was the special effects just didn't hold up. But, David Bowie did. I remember just how much Vanessa and I liked him after that movie. However, he wasn't exactly the greatest actor! Anyway.....

That's about it. For a day that I'd been anticipating slash stressing over, it went much better than I expected. Yay.

Tomorrow we're off to Sakata I think....hopefully to get my new visa. Yeah.

Gotta go, night.


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