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December 15, 2005 - Thursday

Warm and sunny early on, colder with snow later.

An okay day. I did all my usual morning stuff and then headed off to work. The walk was actually pleasant today. It was sunny and remarkably warm. The snow was melting and the nice weather lifted my spirits.

Even though I only had one class today, I was busy at work. I cleaned out a lot of my drawers today. My drawers and my stuff. I have a huge mound of stuff that needs to be moved, but the problem is where do I move it to? Hmm.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Dan for dinner. We didn't have our usuals. We had Pot-au-feu nabe, tofu/daikon salad, pork kimchee stirfry and Fumihiko also had sushi. Everything was nice, but we ordered too much!

We came home via a convenience store and the grocery store. I didn't buy anything, but I did pick up some boxes.

And that was my day. It was good. I got a lot done, but I'll need to do some more stuff tomorrow. Gotta go....night!


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