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December 14, 2005 - Wednesday

Cold, little bit more snow too.

Well, I woke up this morning feeling about a hundred times better than I did yesterday. I can't even remember the last time that I slept that long! It was nice.

I walked to work again today and I fell on the way! I didn't hurt myself and I don't even know why I fell. Was it my new boots (short black ones today), ice, or just some strange freak occurance? I have no idea!

Work was a bit sad today. It was the final class for 3 of my classes. It was difficult to say goodbye to my students. I haven't been teaching them for all that long, but I liked them all.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and we went to M's Dining. We had quite a nice meal then picked up a few groceries. We came home, watched Desperate Housewives (Lynette had to shave her kid's head, so people thought he was terminally ill, Bree shot her new boyfriend's toe off) and I wrote the last (I hope) of my Christmas cards.

So, all in all, a much better day than yesterday! Tomorrow during my free time I'll go to the post office and mail off my cards. Yay. I haven't set up my tree yet, but at least my cards are done.

Gotta go, night night!


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