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July 9, 2005 - Saturday

Cloudy with a bit of rain.

A good day. I got up, checked email, and then napped on the couch. Oh, it was hard to get up today. I thought about sleeping on the couch and not going to work. However, I changed my mind rather quickly!

Work was fine today, I wasn't that busy at all. My last class didn't show up. One student had cancelled two weeks ago, but the other didn't call in. Sigh. I did a bit of redecoration around the school though. I have a few ideas. I'm thinking of doing a summer bulletin board...with student participation. I think that would cool. It does depend on how much free time I get next week.

After work, I got an email from Fumihiko saying that he was still busy, so I decided to bike home. I didn't think it was raining, but it was! Still it wasn't that bad, when I got underway.

I fooled around on my computer when I got home and checked the updates. There was a new update for iTunes and iPod. I downloaded them and big surprise! I can now download and listen to Podcasts. Hurray. I've been dying to try them for a while.

When Fumihiko came home, we went out. We were going to an izakaya, but it looked busy, so went to Cocos instead. I had spinach and a hamburger. It was pretty good I thought.

We came home and that's about it. I am hoping to get my hubby off to bed soon as he has to work in the morning.Oh, I might not update tomorrow night as we're going out with another couple and might be back late. I'm not sure mind you, I hopefully will.

Catch you later, night.


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