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July 10, 2005 - Sunday

Rainy and cloudy most of the day.

A good day. Fumihiko had to go off to work so I got a lovely long lie-in. Hurray. After I got up I got busy. I did laundry, about 5 loads! I washed all of my stuff and then I washed the kitchen towels. I also vacuumed the apartment and cleaned off my computer desk. Yay me. I did a few other things and I made my own lunch today too.

Fumihiko didn't come home just after 5 like he promised he would. Around 5:30 I sent him a mail and asked where he was. I was getting ready myself. I curled my hair, put on some make-up and waited. Finally, around 5:50 he called me. He had just finished work. He came home and changed. Into an old sweater and jeans. Yay. I was in a skirt and a new shirt, and he was in jeans. Still, he didn't really have a lot of time to choose so I tried not to get upset.

We met Chris and Yumiko and drove them to Bistro des Ponts. We had a lovely meal of salad and sashimi, pumpkin soup, and beef. For dessert I had some cherries, while the others had some cake and ice cream. It looked good.

We headed over to the mall and spent some time at the amusement center. Fumihiko and I played coin games, but we didn't win very much. I did okay for a while, but then lost all of mine.

We went to the movie together. It was okay, not great, but not terrible either. I enjoyed part of it, but thought the ending was too too much deus ex machina. However, if that's the way that Wells ended the novel, I suppose Spielberg couldn't do too much about it.

After the film we said our goodbyes and then went our separate ways. We came home via the supermarket. Fumihiko is having a bad night with his wrist. It's driving him crazy and as a result he's driving me crazy. He keeps asking me if I want any food and I keep telling him I don't. He's fidgeting and not settling down.

Hope he's okay soon. I worry about him.

Anyway, that's all you get from me for tonight. Have a good night. Night.


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