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July 23, 2005 - Saturday

Sunny and hot. Gorgeous day.

I had a great day today. I woke up in a hurry this morning as Fumihiko gave out a big gasp. He'd slept through the alarm, or gone back to sleep and when he realized it, he was almost late. He just made it to work on time.

I did my morning stuff, and left for work on time. Yay.

The first part of my day was busy, but then it tapered off. It slowed down so much that I even went out for a drink at the new cafe in Marica in my lunch time! That was great. I had a lovely glass of iced milk tea. It was a little warm at first, so they must have made it and then cooled it down. Sometimes I spend so much time in the school that I think I'll go crazy.

My last class didn't show up today so I got ready to leave. When 9:00 pm rolled around I got changed and Fumihiko arrived to take me away. Yay.

We wanted to go to Moundon, but they were full, so we went to Jiro. We had the same thing, a mixed grill. It was delicious and we're both full!

After dinner we went to GEO, a video rental place. We both had a good snoop around but neither of us bought anything. At the moment we have so many dvds to watch that we shouldn't spend any more money on them until we watch them.

We're going to watch The Commitments now so I'm going to sign off. Have a good night! Oh, probably no update tomorrow as we plan to go off and spend the night at an undisclosed location. Night!


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