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July 26, 2005 - Tuesday

Rainy all day, and a typhoon is coming.

A good day. I got up a few minutes late but still did everything in time. I had a nice breakfast of ham and cheese omelet. Yum. I went to work and got there on time. It wasn't that great of a ride as it was raining hard, but I made it to work on time.

Work was fine. I was a bit busy today and all of my classes were one person ones. That's a bit more work for me, but it was okay too.

After work Fumihiko picked me up and we went to M's Dining. It was nice actually. The only problem was that I was sitting under the air-conditioner, and it was dripping a little bit. It wasn't too bad though.

We came home and we watched Monk. It was quite interesting this week. He was buried in a coffin. Scary stuff!

And that was my day. It was good. Not as good as yesterday, but still good!

Night night.


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