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July 27, 2005 - Wednesday

Rainy day again.

A pretty good day today. Fumihiko didn't have to work, so we had a more relaxing morning than usual. We went to Gusto for breakfast! It was quite good, then he drove me to my school and I said goodbye.

I was moderately busy today. I had to do a lot of prep work, especially for my kids class today. Still, it went quite well, as did most of the other classes. One class I wasn't happy with exactly, but that was more my fault than the students.

After class Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Dan. We had our usual things and they were pretty good. The only bad thing was that Fumihiko knocked over his glass of oolong tea. It went all over the floor. Sigh. Poor thing!

We bought some groceries and then came home. I watched Without a Trace, which was okay, and Fumihiko took a bath. He's got a very early morning so I hope to get him to go to bed soon. Poor thing!

That's it for me, night!


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