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June 21, 2005 - Tuesday

Sunny and hot, again.

A pretty good day. Last night it was very hot and we couldn't open the windows. Today, men were supposed to come and spray some insecticide around the building and we didn't know when they'd come. I turned off the airconditioner at bedtime, but by 6 am I was too hot. I got up and turned it back on then.

Got to work on time, did all my stuff and had a fairly busy day. Today I had 6 lessons and they all showed up. However, some of them didn't show up on time! That was kind of a nice break for me.

After work Fumihiko picked me up and we went to M's Dining. We had a nice meal there. I had chicken and salad, with soup and drink bar, while Fumihiko had a curried burger, fries, and 2 rices. He also had soup and drink bar too. I was worried that he might have eaten too much, but he seems to be okay.

We came home and I set up the VCR for the movies tonight and tomorrow, and the TV programmes I want to watch every week. Yay me. Tonight Gattaca is on. I like that movie a lot.

And that's about all for this evening. Tomorrow I'm not too too busy at work, so I have to do a lot of officey type work. Not my favourite, but it's okay.

Talk to you tomorrow? Night.


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