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June 22, 2005 - Wednesday

Hot and sunny. Is this really the rainy season?

A good day. This morning I got off on my way to work a bit late, but somehow got there earlier than I did yesterday!

I wasn't busy with classes so I was able to do a lot of planning for tomorrow and today. Yay. Classes went quite well today. The kid's one was a lot of fun and they were pretty genki too. In my last class, the students were late and the warm-up went too long so we did an alternate activity.

After work, Fumihiko finally picked me up. We were going to go to Moku-Moku, but it was closed when we got there. We ended up going to Gusto instead. It was okay.

We came home and we watched Without A Trace. It's so nice to see English TV again. Hurray.

I'm taping/watching The Grifters again. It's a great John Cusack movie. He's not a nice guy in this film though.

Well, that's it for my day. It was pretty good. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Night!


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