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June 20, 2005 - Monday

Hot and sunny.

Today was better. Much better. But, it didn't start that way.

Last night I went to bed around 2, but Fumihiko stayed up really late studying. I think he tried to sleep on the couch for a while, but finally came to bed very, very late.

I couldn't sleep last night so I made up for it this morning. I had planned to get up at 10, but missed that mark. I got up around 11, and did my laundry. I did a little bit of odds and ends around the house too. There was an earthquake around 1pm today too. That was exciting. The TV said it was only a 1 but personally I think it was a bit higher.

After I showered and did my facial stuff, I went out. I was planning to go straight to S-Mall, but then I remembered that I wanted to go to Hachimonjiya, the book store. I looked for the English books, but they've mysteriously disappeared again. However, I did find my Japanese magazine, so I got that, then headed off to the mall. I didn't do very much there. I hit the video store, didn't buy anything, but made a new wish list...Before Sunset and Before Sunrise, and the Live Aid DVD from way back when. That was a great concert.

I visited the 100 yen shop too, and got more coloured paper for work, and a couple of things for Katie. Then I picked up a few groceries and came home.

Fumihiko was there and we had words for a bit, then we both calmed down.

We went out to dinner to Paris Cinq. I think we squeaked in just before last order. It was lovely. I had fish and Fumihiko had veal. We came home afterwards and ended up watching ER. Boy have I missed a lot. However, it was great to see something in English again. Poor Fumihiko may end up wishing that he hadn't told me about the BS availability!

And that was my day. Fumihiko is studying hard for his test and I'm tip-tapping on my computer at the other side of the room. Things are much better now. Hurray.

Back to work tomorrow. Sigh. It'll be fun, right? Sure!

Night night.


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