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June 27, 2005 - Monday

Rainy and stormy most of the day.

A kind of cool day! I did think about getting up once around 10, but I went back to bed until the feeling went away. It was after 12 before I really roused myself!

I took myself out to have lunch at Jiro. I had my usual and it was nice. I enjoyed it very much. Then, I went to a drug store, one I'd never been to before. It was great. I bought a bunch of stuff that I hadn't planned on, but it was okay. I also saw one of my students there. After I finished, I went to the grocery store and bought enough food for today and tomorrow. Then I came home.

I really didn't do very much today. I finished my novel, then did a bit of self decoration!

tattoo .......... tattoo2

I watched some of the movies that I taped last week, The Grifters and The Last Boy Scout, then I popped in Bubba Ho-Tep. I love Bruce Campbell, and this is one of his movies. It's kind of weird, but kind of fun. He plays an aging Elvis up against an evil Mummy in an old age home.

And, honestly, that was my day. Oh, I also ordered a bunch of stuff from the Foreign Buyers Club, I just have to pay for it next! Scary.

Fumihiko is off in Yamagata and he's only sent me one message the whole night. I figure he must be at some kind of party! I hope he had a good night. He'll be back tomorrow.

Gotta go! Night night.


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