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June 28, 2005 - Tuesday

Rainy and muggy all day.

A busy day. This morning was busy, but nice. It had been raining earlier, but when I left for work, it was just drizzling. I had a good ride to work, which was nice.

I was busy at work today. I had 6 classes and also had to do some paperwork for head office. Fumihiko kept sending me updates on his trip back too. That was fun, but a bit annoying too.

After work I finished up, but it took a while, then Fumihiko came and got me. We went to Gusto and had a nice light meal.

We came home, drank some coffee and spent a little time together. Then I put on tonight's episode of Monk. It was pretty good, and I enjoyed it.

I'll probably go to bed soon as it's late and I'm a bit tired. It was a busy day today. Gotta go, night!


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