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June 29, 2005 - Wednesday

Hot and sunny. Gorgeous hot day.

It was an okay day. In the morning I had a lot of trouble getting up. I did though, then did my morning stuff. I managed to leave for work a bit late, but I actually got there early!

I wasn't that busy at work today. It was nice for a change. I did some paperwork and some stuff for our head office.

Tomorrow I have a busy day, but it's the last one before our trip, so I don't mind! One of my classes cancelled too, so I'll have a little bit more breathing space.

Tonight after work we went to Shimi's place for dinner. It was really nice. We had sashimi, miso soup and two kinds of cooked fish. Yum.

We hit the grocery store so I could get something for lunch tomorrow, then came home. I watched Without a Trace tonight and it was very good. I'm happy to be getting so many English shows again.

And that's it for me. I'm a bit tired so I'd like to get to bed soon. Have a good night.


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