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March 6, 2005 - Sunday

Clear and's melting!

I went to bed rather late last night. It was around 4 am, so when I tell you that I slept in quite late this morning you'll understand why.

I got up around noon and checked my email. Then I thought about getting dressed, but didn't really want to . However, I did. We went out to Jiro for brunch. It was really busy there. I've never seen it so crowded.

After lunch we went to S-Mall to get a new battery for my watch. We also visited the drug store. The mall was packed today as there were a lot of new stores, all for young teenage girls I think! The mini-skirt squad was out in full force today.

When we were leaving the mall we got into a fight, and Fumihiko dropped me off at the apartment and left. I went in and did my laundry, did a bit of cleaning, worked on the certificates for my students, and did a bunch of other things. I was starting to make my dinner around 9:00pm when he came home.

He didn't talk to me and went into our room. He got into his pajamas and then went to bed. A few minutes later he got up and grabbed a book. I did try to talk to him, but he was obviously still angry with's mutual!

I ate my dinner, which was last night's leftovers with a healthy portion of curry powder added. It was great. I was finishing up the dishes when Fumihiko came out wondering if I'd eaten. He wanted to eat ramen, but I offered him some of my chicken dish. He took it and made some ramen too. Oh well. He did admit that my dish was great.

So we're at an impasse. Not not-talking, but not back to buddies yet. Childish aren't we?

Anyway, that's it for my day. It's been quite busy all in all. Night!


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