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March 12, 2005 - Saturday

Rainy and a bit snowy most of the day.

Last night before bed I set up the washing machine so it would have my clothes washed by the time I got up. It did, so when I dragged myself out of bed, my clothes were already washed. Yay. I hung em up, did another load, then napped as usual. The only problem was that the heater kept doing it's psycho beeping thing. It woke me up a couple of times. Boo.

I got to work in plenty of time today, yay me, and got busy. I had a kids class right off the bat, but it was okay. They were actually quite well behaved today. We had fun too.

Then, I had a long break until my next class. I prepped for Tuesday, and did some paperwork. I also did a bit of decorating. I also went out for lunch today. I usually don't, but I'd forgotten to take anything out of the freezer yesterday.

I looked around the wool department and almost decided to buy some wool, but I didn't. Maybe next week? I'll have to hurry.

After work today I changed and emailed Fumihiko. He took me to a yakiniku shop tonight. It was my request actually. Last time we went there the meal wasn't too good, but tonight it was. I had egg soup, chicken and beef yakiniku too. Nice.

We came home and had some coffee. Hurray for coffee.

Tomorrow we're off on a big shopping trip to Sendai and Yamagata, so I won't be updating. Don't miss me, okay?

Night night.


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