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March 18, 2005 - Friday

Rainy, with thunder and lightning all day.

A pretty good day. I had already packed my clothes up last night for work, and it was a good thing as I ended up running late! And, it was pouring when I left for work. Poor me. Yesterday I was lucky, when I was waiting at the corner to cross the main road, a woman who was having a driving lesson stopped and let me cross. Yay! Today, that didn't happen, but I didn't have to wait too long for a break in the traffic.

Work was fine. I actually had an interview today! I haven't had one in a really long time and I was very rusty. Still, it seemed to go okay.

Classes were fine today too. I was busy from five to nine, so it was interesting. I think classes went well. We finished early in one class and I gave the student a newspaper article to read. It was hard for her, but she did it. I helped her with some of the words, but when she finished it she was really happy.

After work I did a bunch of paperwork, and then asked Fumihiko to pick me up. He did and we went to Gusto, but not the one near our house. We ate and then we went to MaxValu for a few groceries. I like their frozen veggies for my slow cooker. When we came home I finished my book, The Golem's Eye. I really enjoyed it. It was hard to stop reading when my lunch hour finished.

Today, Fumihiko brought our stereo over from the house, and we've been listening to music. I have to say, I'm enjoying it. First we listened to Glen Gould, and now to Dean Martin, Late at Night. It's just perfect for right now. Kind of mellow and relaxing. And that was that, my day.

Have a good night!


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