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March 17, 2005 - Thursday

Rainy and cool, clear later.

A hodge-podge sort of day. This morning I did my usual morning stuff, up to a point. I napped, and then called a travel company in Tokyo. The man said he'd get back to me, but he didn't before I left for work. I didn't take a shower this morning, first time in a long time!

Work was okay. Classes went fairly well and I got my paperwork all done up. Yay me. During my lunch hour I called my company's travel department and asked the agent to try booking my flight again. I'd even go through the US if I had to. She faxed me in the evening and said that my original plan was now okay. Hurray! I'm so happy. I really want to go to Canada this Golden Week.

After work, I read a bit of my book while I waited for Fumihiko. We went to Cocos tonight. It was fine actually.

When we came home I did something different for a change. I sewed the hem on a pair of my trousers. I've been putting it off for months, but I want to wear my suit tomorrow, so I'd sewed them. Yay me. It was hard as the pants are navy and the light isn't that great, but it's done.

Fumihiko is a bit under the weather. In fact he has just gone to bed. Poor thing. I'm not feeling a hundred percent genki either. I hope I don't catch anything.

That's it for the Tsuruoka report for today. Tune in tomorrow for the latest update.

Night night.


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