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March 29, 2005 -Tuesday

Rainy and a bit cool.

A good day. I got up this morning at my appointed time, and didn't go for a walk. I was just beat and couldn't face it. I'll try tomorrow morning if it doesn't rain. Instead I checked email and fell asleep on the couch.

I left for work in good time and did all the stuff I had to do there. Work was fine today. I had hoped that my last class would happen as I saw the student on the weekend, but she didn't come. Hopefully I'll see her at the later this week.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Gusto, the one near Max Valu. Tonight our food wasn't that great, but we were both hungry and ate it anyway. Then we came home. We're now listening to the smooth sounds of Rod Stewart and the coffee maker. We're happy to be together again. Fumihiko is chilling out on the sofa with his book and I'm at my computer. Hurray. Gotta love chilling out time. Coffee's ready, so I gotta go.

Night night!


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