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November 1, 2005 - Tuesday

Sunny and fairly warm.

A good day. This morning I decided not to cook myself an omelette. I had some yogurt instead. I also finished up the avocado. Yum yum.

I wasn't busy at work today and I won't be tomorrow either. My early tomorrow student came in and told me that she can't come, so I'll be even less busy than I thought I'd be.

I got to work in good time and did my stuff. I did leave the school for a bit to get a coffee. That was a nice treat.

After the last class I did something necessary but boring. I sewed the fasteners on my pants! They were both getting a bit loose. The button and the bar have been threatening to come off any day so I thought I'd do something about it. Yay me!

Fumihiko and I went to Moundon for dinner. We had bulgogi and mushroom stirfry. It was really good.

We came home and now Fumihiko is helping me with my tax stuff. I am just letting him look at it by himself. I get too annoyed with him if he doesn't do translating things as fast as I want him too. It's very bad of me. I have to remember that Japanese is a language of pictographs, and they have to be interpreted before he can interpret them for me. Difficult!

Anyway, that's my day. It was pretty good all in all. Gotta go. Night.


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