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November 1, 2004 - Monday

Rainy and foggy all day.

Fumihiko said yesterday that we left the sun back in Tsuruoka, and you know, I think he was right! We didn't see any sun in Sendai today. It was really cloudy and misty all day.

We woke up at 8:30 this morning and after a bit of cuddling, got up and had breakfast on the 21st floor of the hotel. If the weather had been nice it would have been a great view. As it was it was nice, but a bit like looking out the window of an aeroplane in a storm!

After breakfast we lazed around our room for a bit and then checked out. We dumped our stuff in the car and then went shopping. I won't bore you with the details but I went to the stamping place for stamps, the book place for books, the coffee shop for coffee, basically you get the idea! We ended up going to Tower Records for my "free" cd. I put it in quotes because, it was an expensive one! Whatever! I decided to get Queen's Greatest Hits, a triple cd package. I do have the first cd, but not the others. I'm looking forward to listening to it!

We walked back to the hotel and got in our car and started to drive. It took us an hour of driving around Sendai to find the right road. Fumihiko's in car navigation system didn't have enough satellites to help us. Finally, we got out of Sendai and back on the road. We stopped at a Highway stop and I tried a vending machine for cappuchino. Well, I have to say that it was a great cup of cappuchino and I really enjoyed it. Unbelievable!

We stopped for dinner in Yamagata at Bikkuri Donkey and then got back on the highway to Tsuruoka. We came home and Fumihiko put on Rollerball, his new dvd. It's the original James Caan one. It's good in a weird sort of 70's way. That was about it. Nothing much new.

I had a good weekend, I didn't expect to go to Sendai, but I did enjoy myself, so it was worth it! And I'll have some reading material for a few weeks too. Yay!

Gotta go, night night.

Oh, big news! This homepage/blog has been going for FIVE years now! When I started doing this diary/journal thingy there was no such word as "blog". I had a couple of earlier sites, but this one has been the one that I've kept going the longest. One day I might decide to go the paying route and get rid of the banners, etc, but at the moment I don't have the I? Words of advice please!

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