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November 15, 2005 - Tuesday

Cloudy and rainy, cold.

A pretty good day. I got up and did my morning stuff, the same as usual. I did have a special guest while I was in the shower. I was shampooing my hair and I thought I heard someone talking to me, but Fumihiko was at work right? I imagined it. Until I heard the voice again. Fumihiko had come home to get something and came into the bathroom to say hi. I freaked out a little, but it was okay. He didn't stay long, and this isn't that kind of blog, so nothing happened. I stayed in the shower and he stayed out of it.

My classes went well today, and I did a bit of checking of lessons for the rest of the week.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Cocos for dinner. It was okay. I was a major chatterbox during dinner. Poor Fumihiko. He just isn't a talker.

When we came home I watched tonight's The West Wing. I enjoyed it. While Fumihiko took a bath I set up the coffee pot so that I could surprise him. He always makes coffee and I thought he needed a break. However, it took about 5 minutes for him to suggest coffee after his bath. I thought I'd bust, but finally he asked me if I'd like some hot coffee. Yay!

And that was my day. Not exciting, but good. I have to go. Have a good night.


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