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November 14, 2005 - Monday

Rainy and dreary all day.

I slept in very late today. Then, I got up and we decided what to do. Fumihiko was planning to go to the doctor, so while he did that I played on my computer. When he came back I showered and we went out. We were planning to go to Sakata to apply for my visa, but it was late, and we hadn't got everything that we needed yet. I insisted on lunch because neither of us had eaten yet and that was just a bad day waiting to happen!

We had a quick lunch at Gusto, then went to City Hall to get oodles of paperwork. By this time it was after 3 and the immigration office in Sakata closes at 4:00. I didn't think we'd make it. However, Fumihiko did. We got in the door at about 3:58pm. The man was nice enough to take our stuff, but there are a few forms that we still have to work on. We need to write about our families, give them some pictures of us together, and Fumihiko needs to write about how we met.

After that, I honestly felt like a million ton weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I've been worried about this for so long. I'm still a bit peeved that it wasn't done earlier, but at least it's done.

We checked out the new shops in Mikawa. They're nice, but I'm not sure how much time I'll spend there. We went to the mall too. Sadly, Elizabethtown was playing too late for us to see, but we had dinner in the mall. We had shabu-shabu. It was okay, except I ate too much.

We came home via the grocery store and then spent some quality time together. Later - now- we're watching TV and drinking coffee. ER was great tonight. It was the second accident with a helicopter for Dr. Romano. It was scary but well done as usual.

Tomorrow I'm back to work. It seems too soon doesn't it?

Gotta go, night!


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