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November 24, 2005 - Thursday

Sunny, then rainy, then clear, then rainy again. Bah!

Last night we had a huge thunderstorm. It was terrible and lasted for hours. When I went to bed it was quite noisy. The rain came again and it was so loud I actually got out of bed to check if we were being flooded. I think it was hail as the ground was covered in white stuff. I finally went off to sleep.

In the morning, I got up, checked my email and then took a mini-nap. I did all the usual morning stuff and got off to work in a timely fashion. It wasn't raining when I left, although there were some dark clouds in the sky.

During my first class, there was torrential rain. I'm so glad that I wasn't out in it. Luckily I was in my class and all warm and dry.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Cocos. It was quite nice. I had a cheese hamburg and Fumihiko had jambalya. It smelled good, but he didn't like it.

Then we came home. I played around on my computer and Fumihiko has been working on his word processor. He's doing more work on my visa papers. I think he's writing the story of our relationship! I wish I could read it. I'm a bit surprised that I don't have to submit any kind of a "piece" on our relationship. Oh well. I'll let hubby take care of it.

That was my day. I'll be a little busier at work tomorrow so I won't have as much free time. That's probably a good thing.

I'll talk to you later! Night.


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