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November 25, 2005 - Friday

Cloudy and rainy all day. Thunderstorms too.

A good day, bit busy too.

This morning when I woke up I was really surprised. I didn't realize that Fumihiko had already left. I don't have any recollection of him leaving. I got up, checked my email and then napped on the couch.

I got to work on time and did what I needed to do. I had 5 lessons today, which is the most I've had in quite a while. One student finished today, and gave me a present! Wasn't that sweet of her?

After work, Fumihiko and I went to Moundon for Korean Food. It was yummy, but we ate too much. Then, we went to the grocery store to pick up, well, some groceries of course!

We came home and have done a variety of things. I cooked my lunch for tomorrow, Fumihiko worked on my visa stuff and I let him read the Christmas Newsletter that I'm thinking of sending this year. He keeps asking about my words!

And that's about it for me. Tomorrow I'll be busy for the first little while, but then I'll have tons of free time at work. Yay. Actually, not yay. It's really boring when that happens.

Have a good night. Bye!


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