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October 5, 2005 - Wednesday

Sunny and nice.

A good day. I just made it to work on time today too! However, today I did something a little different. I started to defrost the refrigerator! I turned it off and waited all day. A lot of the ice melted, but I couldn't finish it in time. At the end of the day, I had to turn it back on.

I wasn't busy teaching today, but I did a lot of paperwork. And, of course I had to keep an eye on the fridge!

After work Fumihiko and I went to an izakaya near my old apartment. We had a nice meal, but it wasn't great. I liked a lot of the food, it just didn't knock my socks off!

We came home and watched Desperate Housewives. I can see myself getting to like this show.

And that was my day today. It was okay. Tomorrow I'll be busier. And I still have to do that fridge! Bleck.


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