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December 2, 2006 - Saturday

Rain, thunder and maybe even snow.

My day didn't start well, but it did get better. Hurray for that.

In the morning I got up, but didn't have a conversation with my husband. In fact, just as I was going to take my shower, he went back to bed. Around 10:45 or so I left, and rode my bike to Gusto. I had my breakfast/lunch there and it was okay. The waitress did forget to ring in my drink bar, but I was honest and asked her to put it on my bill.

I went over to the school and got ready. I did a bit of sweeping, a bit of paperwork, and a bit of venting! Still, when my student came I was fine. I was so happy before class that her mother used my umbrella stand. For 6 months the poor thing has stood there and NO ONE used it! I was thinking to bring it home, but was used twice. Yay. My student's mum was happy about the heater that I put in the lobby too. She's been very nice and patient, sitting in the cold "lobby", but today it was quite warm. In fact, after class we found her sitting on the floor with her back to the heater. She was getting comfortable! I was glad actually. The girl's lesson went really well. She picks thing up easily.

In the break between my lessons I wrote a few Christmas cards and read a little bit of a magazine. I also did paperwork. When my students came, we also had a great lesson. We did a lesson about giving out telephone numbers, and I gave each child an old cell phone that we got from our cell phone provider. I'd put a post-it note with a number on it. The kids got a big kick out of having their "own phones" and the lesson went well. After class I talked to their mum a bit and then I was done.

I finished up slowly and then got ready to leave. I decided to hit the grocery store on the way home. When I left, the weather was awful, really awful. It was raining and windy. It wasn't quite dark. I came a different way, so that I wouldn't have another run in with the high school guy! At the store I got some chicken in case I couldn't go out for dinner and coffee creamers. I biked home and went inside.

I wasn't talked to for a while, but then I started talking to him. Anyway, we started talking to each other for a change and I finally told him about my accident. He knew about it as he'd read my blog at some point today. We went out for dinner and basically became friends again. Hubby had a stay at home day. When I came home I found him lying on our couch in his pajamas with his coat on! The heater wasn't on though. Strange guy! This rainy weather is bad for his back and I think he's in a lot of pain.

We came home via the grocery store and watched a movie. We watched Clueless, which I loved, and I think he liked. He enjoyed it, but he wasn't happy with the drugs in it. (How can you tell that he's an ex-policeman?) I talked to him about it and pointed out that the main character only used grass at parties, not all the time (not the greatest point I know, but she wasn't a stoner), and the character that was a stoner reformed and joined a 12 step program at the end. So, happy ending. Not a hit'em over the head message not to do drugs, but still quite good I thought.

And that's about it for my day. We had some of the jello and it was really good. I think the club soda added a bit of balance to the sweetness. After 3 or so years of low carbing, I just am not used to really sweet foods. I don't even like them much.

So, hubby is off work for the next couple of days too. I hope we don't argue anymore. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Thanks too, for all of the messages of support that I received. It's nice to know that I've got friends out there in cyberspace.

Night night.


Quiz any one?
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