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January 7, 2006 - Saturday

Colder with a little bit of snow.

A boring kind of day. I didn't get up very early today. I didn't do too much, in the morning. I cooked my lunch, and watched some Friends.

When Fumihiko came home he was really tired and sore. He took a bath and then we went out for dinner. It was okay, not great.

When we came home he went to bed immediately. I've basically been here alone all day. It's a bit sad. I watched another Friends dvd and had a late night snack. That's about all.

I'm not sure what we'll be doing tomorrow. I hope that we can have a good day though. Wish me luck!

Night night.

Oh, one thing that I have to mention is that today is my nephew Zachary's first birthday. Happy b-day, little guy!


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