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July 9, 2006 - Sunday

Dull and cloudy with a bit of rain.

A pretty good day. In the morning I didn't do anything. I was planning to get up, but around 11 when I thought of it Fumihiko came back to bed. We both snoozed for a while longer.

When we did get up we went to Moku Moku for lunch. I don't really like that place. Most of the food is good, but the waitstaff isn't very attentive. If we want refills of water for example, we have to actually ask them for it. Today we asked twice. Our meal was good though, we had pork saute in mustard sauce. I had a big salad with mine, and Fumihiko had rice, soup and salad. We ended our meal with iced coffee or tea.

Our next stop was the Yamaya. It's a liquor store, but it also sells import foods. Fumihiko got some root beer with sugar, I got some sharp cheese, some crispbreads and some tea.

Then we went to the Max Valu. I bought stuff for my dinner there. I got a cooked chicken breast, a salad, and some soup, although I didn't eat the soup yet.

We came home and Fumihiko and I played on our respective computers for a while. Around 5:40 he left for the party. I didn't do much for a while but when I got hungry I heated up the chicken, made some iced coffee for myself, ate the salad and watched Friends. For some reason, our dvd player that stopped in the middle of the movie last night worked just fine tonight! Hmm. I left the lid open all the way, I wonder if that's why?

I was just finishing up my dishes when Fumihiko came back. He said he'd had an okay time. He took a bath and I played on my computer!

And that's about it. Not much else to talk about for today. We didn't fight today, and that's a good thing!

Tomorrow I have a bit of running around to do, I hope we can do everything without fighting.

That's all you get, night night!


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