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July 10, 2006 - Monday

Hot but a bit rainy.

A pretty good day. Fumihiko got up early to go to the doctor, but I snoozed a bit longer. After a while, I got up and took a shower. I had just finished when he came back. We spent some time on our respective computers and then sent email to each other asking if we were ready to go for lunch! I was.

We had a nice lunch at the hotel. There was a lot of stuff for me today, chicken, roast pork, beans, you name it. It was great, except for some pushy old ladies!

After lunch we put some of my business money in the bank machine. We didn't fight about that at all today. Yay. But I sort of realized that Fumihiko doesn't know how to use bank machines very well either! He'd tell me to do something, I'd try and it was wrong. Oh well, the main thing is that the money made it to my account.

After a quick trip home, we went to city hall. Well, Fumihiko did. I stayed in the car. He was going to his home next, since me and his mum don't get on, I volunteered to go shopping elsewhere at the time. I went to Ikeda.

Ikeda is an old fashioned store. It had 3 floors and no escalator. I told Fumihiko afterwards it's like an old lady store. It has great stuff, but it's dated. I like the kids department, I've bought lots of nice reasonably priced clothes for friends and family there. On the second floor I got some material for a friend, and a new cup for myself. It's white with spots. It's a bit clunky, but I like it like that. On the first floor I got something for a friend's baby, and then strolled around, waiting for my hubby. And waited. And waited more!

After a while, I decided to leave and go to another store. I sent Fumihiko an email to let him know. I went to the packaging store. They sell stamps too. I didn't find any new ones that I wanted, but it's a fun store to look in. Fumihiko met me there.

We did a lot of running around after that. I got some paper for the school's photocopier, then we delivered it and the vacuum to the school. Fumihiko is lending me a vacuum from his house. Yay. After a cafe au lait in a cafe, we drove out to the mall.

At the mall, we looked through the hardware store, then went into the mall proper. I didn't have much to get, I thought, so we had coffee first then went to Jusco. Fumihiko decided to get a massage. I was happy as that gave me guilt free shopping time. Not that I had any plans to buy anything! Ahem. I looked around the larger sized clothing and found a lot of things that I was interested in. I took a few things to the changing room. The first thing I tried on was a blue with silver stripes shirt. It looked great! I tried on a few other things with varying degrees of success. They had a summery skirt, long and loose, that I liked, but it had an underslip that was too tight.The skirt itself was fine, but I would have had to remove the lining/slip in order to wear it. I could have done that, but I decided not to bother. There was a cute shirt, okay for work, with dragonflies on it. I liked it, but it was a touch tight around the hips. Another thing just didn't look good on me, and another thing did look good, but I decided I wouldn't wear it very much anyway so passed. I put the shirt that I liked back on the rack to stew about. I hacked around more, and visited the craft section. Nothing much new there, so I went to meet my hubby. I picked up the shirt again, paid for it and then suggested dinner.

We went to the amusement center to "have a look around" I thought. They've recently redone the place. Well, someone decided he wanted to play coin games, and then did so. I didn't want to be there, but I watched him for a while and hacked around too. I was getting a bit upset at him, but he finished up, an hour later. Bah.

We went to M's Dining for dinner. I decided to pay him back for making me wait and I had a very expensive dinner! It was good though. I had a mixed grill set. I got soup bar, drink bar, salad and rice with my meal. He did eat my rice of course!

The grocery store was next. I bought some chicken for tomorrow's dinner. I'm going to marinate tandori chicken in the morning and then cook it after my lesson.

The rest of the evening we've spent on our computers. I tried to get Fumihiko set up to access my flickr account. It was a bit tough. I hope that we succeeded, but I'm not sure yet. This two language computing stuff is weird.

I'm off. Today was good. Thanks for listening. Night!


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