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June 13, 2006 - Tuesday

Sunny and warm.

A MUCH better day than yesterday. When I went to bed, we talked a bit. That was good. I didn't oversleep much today. Yay. I got up and watched Combat! Today's guest was "Al" from Quantum Leap, Dean Stockwell. Of course he was very very young.

Today, I watched more Friends and then after lunch and dishes, I did a bit of cleaning. I washed the dishes tray, and even cleaned the garbage can. Bleck. I cleaned up the mound of stuff (books mostly) next to my computer desk.That was a tough job, but it was good to get it done. I swept up quite a bit through the house too. Yay me!

When Fumihiko came home we were quite friendly. Yay. We went out for a gorgeous dinner at Paris Cinq. We had Yonezawa beef. It was very tender and extremely good. We also had soup (mine was pumpkin) and an assortment of appetizers. Yummy.

After dinner we went to the grocery store to buy things for tomorrow's dinner. I'm going to make soup again in the morning, at least that's the plan right now. Tomorrow I'll put some chicken in the soup, different than last time. Hopefully it'll be good.

We looked over my pension stuff tonight too. I had received two different payment forms. I got one that wants me to pay 8 months worth at once. As if! I don't even want to pay the blooming thing. I'm convinced I will never collect from it anyway.

After getting that sorted, we started watching 50 First Dates. It was quite cute. One of Adam Sandler's better movies. It's right up there with The Wedding Singer I think.

And that was it for my day. It wasn't bad. No big emotional things like last night, so I'm much happier.

I'll talk to you tomorrow. Night night.

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