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June 16, 2006 - Friday

Cloudy, very muggy, but not much rain.

A pretty nice day. I got up a little late this morning, did my usual stuff. I also read a lot of my book today. That was great. I've got about 30 pages left and I'd really like to get it read before I go to bed tonight. I don't know if I will or not though.

After Fumihiko came home, on time tonight, we went out for dinner. We went to La Chance and had their buffet. It wasn't bad, but neither of us ate as much as we usually do. I think that's a good thing.

When we finished we went to the school to check things out. Someone was parking in my parking space though. That is really annoying. We're going to have to go and complain to the company about it tomorrow. I pay for that spot and I need it for my students, and for my hubby. I'm thinking about parking my old bike in my spot, just to show that it's taken. I don't know if it would work though. I figure since it only happens at weekends its someone's boy or girlfriend and they're visiting from out of town. Nice, but I think Friday night/Saturdays will be busy for me.

We came home and watched Beauty Shop. I liked it, but it was a bit like watching a foreign movie! The lingo was not anything I was used to hearing. Fumihiko kept asking me stupid questions like, "What does mumblemmmmble mean?" Huh? I don't understand what you said, and I'm trying to understand the movie too. Crazy man. I was able to explain one of the words towards the beginning of the movie though. Jorge (played with brilliance by Kevin Bacon) says something to the effect that his moniker is on the front of the shop. He has a strange accent and it doesn't quite sound like that. Queen Latifah(very cool) hears another word that is very controversial and they have words. I had to explain the meaning of moniker and why it caused a problem.

Anyway, that's my day. I'm pretty tired and I'm hoping to go to sleep soon. Not sure what's on the schedule for tomorrow, but maybe something fun will be! I hope.

Got to go, night!

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