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June 27, 2006 - Tuesday

Hot and mostly sunny, bit muggy later on.

A pretty good day today. I overslept a bit, but nothing serious. In the morning I showered and did my computer stuff. I just had a relaxing day. Yay.

Just before 4 I went out. I went to the post office first to mail something and buy stamps, then went to the school. At the school I got busy. I checked my lesson for today and then I planned the next lesson for my student. Yay.

Around 6:30 I started to get changed. My student came a few minutes early today and we talked for a bit, then had the lesson. It went quite well I think.

Afterwards, I changed back in to my casual stuff, then biked home. Fumihiko said he'd be late tonight, so I didn't know when he'd be back. He wasn't home when I got there. I did some computer stuff and got a call from him. He finally came home quite close to 10 pm.

I hadn't planned to cook tonight so we went out for dinner. We went to Cocos and it was quite nice. We had a nice time, then came home. At home I put on my new nameless cd (Barry Manilow) and we enjoyed some old-style music.

And, really, that's about that. Tomorrow I don't have any classes but I should get myself to a bank to pay some horrendous bills that I have to pay. It's not fair. And that was my day. It was okay, not too bad at all.

Gotta go! Night night.

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