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June 28, 2006 - Wednesday

Hot and sunny.

An okay but quiet day. I woke up quite early because I was just too hot. What I did was get up and open the windows and then I went back to bed! Just for a bit I promise.

I got up and did my usual stuff, and then I was going to go out to pay a bill. However, I realized that I didn't know where I could pay it! So, I didn't go out.

I did a bit of housekeeping and just had a quiet day at home. When Fumihiko came home we decided to go out and order my books. This time, we went to a book store n Tsuruoka to do the ordering. I hope that the books come fairly soon.

After that we went for dinner to La Chance. It was pretty good tonight.

When we came home, we watched this week's episode of ER, then we put in Dodgeball, our new movie. It's a hoot. I got a lot more of the culture jokes than Fumihiko did of course. We're watching the commentary at the moment. It's pretty hysterical. What happens is the actors fight with the director then they all leave, so the sound guys start playing the commentary from "Something About Mary".

I'm going to head off to bed fairly soon, Fumihiko is already asleep on the couch. I'm going to have to get him off to bed soon. Poor guy.

Tomorrow I have to go and pay bills, and I'm also going to a class to find out how to put on a yukata. I'm quite nervous as it'll be all in Japanese, but hopefully I'll be able to at least learn how to wrap the darn thing!

And, a weird thing from my computer, my "I" key has given up the biscuit. It's been loose for a while, but tonight when I tried to fix it, it just became really detached. I tried to leave the plastic in place, but it kept bouncing around. It works okay without it...I hope anyway!

So, that's it for me for today. I'll talk to you tomorrow night. Bye!

Here's a special late-breaking update for all of you. Today was the 25 anniversary of Terry Fox's death. There's a link (may disappear in time) for more information. He was one of my childhood heroes, heck, he still is. The noble young man with his hop-step gait running across Canada to raise money for cancer research. I still remember crying when he had to stop, and when we all heard the news that he died. Gone, but not forgotten.

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