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May 13, 2006 - Saturday

Rainy and cool.

A good day. I thought that Fumihiko was going to come back today around noon, so I allowed myself to sleep in a bit. Well, he showed up before 9:30, noisy as always. I swear, I think if he tried, he couldn't make more noise than he does when he comes in! I said a sleepy hello and then went and slept more.

I got up a bit after 11. He was watching Corpse Bride, so we watched that for a while then went for lunch. We went to the Daiichi Hotel for their buffet. It was okay, but not so great for me as a low carber. Still, I ate quite a bit so I shouldn't complain too much. The restaurant manager brought some cake over for us. A few weeks ago we had gone there in the evening for their Asian buffet. They had advertised that they would have Tom Yan Kun soup, but they didn't. Anyway, the manager gave us the cake to say sorry for that! I got mine in a box, it's in the fridge now. Fumihiko might eat it later, or not!

We drove out to the mall after lunch and bought a new remote control for the TV and VCR. The multipurpose one that I had from before has finally given up the ghost and died. I think Fumihiko dropped it a few too many times. (Okay, maybe me too, but he's the worst one for that!) I made him get something for his Mum too in the store. He already gave her his souvenir from Guam, so it wasn't a Mother's Day present.

We went to the hardware store too, and got a little case/caddy for our remotes. We just have too many! We have at least 7 remote controls. They all go missing from time to time. We have two dvd players set up - 2 remotes. One TV - one remote, one VCR - one remote, a multi-purpose remote for TV and VCR - one remote, a stereo - one remote, and one air-conditioner - one remote. Argh! Too many.

We looked at some furniture for my school, saw some okay stuff, but I need to look at the space again and see what would fit. We also checked out the electronics shop as I'll need a cassette player with a counter on it. Didn't buy it today, but will soon.

We came back to the mall and had a quick bite. Fumihiko had ramen of course and I had a grilled chicken salad that was quite nice. Then, we went to see the movie. The movie de jour was "V for Vendetta". I really liked it. I wasn't sure if I would, but I thought the idea that ideals were more important than actions to be very intriguing. I liked the fact that the police were trying to do their job and knew that the system was corrupt, and that the ordinary person knew that something wasn't right either. It had some violence, but it had something else too.

After the movie we came back to Tsuruoka and had a late dinner at Gusto. It was nice, but Fumihiko wanted to rush home before I was really ready. That was a bit sad. When we got home, he spent a bit of time making the new remote control work-it works on the TV and VCR, but not the DVD players. Oh well.

I checked email and played a few games. Nothing too special! Anyway, that's it for me for tonight. Tomorrow, Fumihiko will go to his Mum's for a while and do some yardwork if he's up to it. I'll probably stay here for a while. Don't know what'll happen after that.

Gotta go! Night night!


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