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May 14, 2006 - Sunday

Sunny and warm. Nice day.

I had a good day today. Fumihiko got up early and went to his Mum's to do some yard-work and give her a Mother's Day present. I had every intention of getting up while he was gone, but I didn't quite manage it! Oh well.

When I did get up I took a shower and then read email until Fumihiko woke up again. Then, we went out for lunch. Today, we went to a place in Shonai-machi. It's a restaurant that looks like a log cabin. It was nice, very busy though. I managed to spill my coffee everywhere, Fumihiko spilled his water so we were quite a pair.

We decided to go to an electronics store after lunch, but it was such a nice day I didn't want to be inside. I suggested that we go fishing after that. So, Fumihiko agreed.

We went by the apartment to get our fishing gear, then hit Super-Denkodo. We ordered a tape recorder for me and I picked out a stereo that I'm going to buy when I pick it up.

We drove to Kamo port but there weren't many people fishing there. Fumihiko decided to drive to Yura instead. So, that's what we did. I hadn't been near the ocean for a while (Guam excepted) and it was lovely to see it again. We fished for a bit over an hour in quiet companionship. I didn't catch anything, although I did get one really strong bite. Fumihiko caught a crab with his net, and a couple of small fish. I think he was happy to get them. It was also nice to do something together. I asked him all last year to take us fishing but he didn't. I really missed it.

For dinner we went to La Chance and had quite a nice meal. I'm sure I ate too much, but most of it was okay for me.

After that, we came home and relaxed. Fumihiko must have been more tired than I thought as he's snoozing on the couch now. I even changed the channel on the TV a few minutes ago and he didn't notice. I'm now watching Francis Coppola on The Actor's Studio, as opposed to some weird Japanese drama.

Anyway, that was my day. It was as nice a day off with my hubby as I've had in ages. Hurray.

Tomorrow could be a momentous day. I pick up the keys to my new apartment/school. Wow! Now I just have to get students, equipment and books. No sweat right?

Gotta go. Night!


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