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May 17, 2006 - Wednesday

Cloudy, but warm.

I had a good day today. I woke up with a start at 9:00am when my alarm went off. I got up, but I planned to go back to bed or take a nap later. I never did.

I did 3 loads of laundry and ate lunch. I decided to go out afterwards. I went to a hardware store and an interior store. I finally got my glasses. Yay! I got a few other things too. I got a garlic press, and more coat hangers.

I came home and discovered that Fumihiko had come home and then left again. I emailed him, but got a note back saying that he hadn't finished work yet.

While I waited for him, I got busy. I made a questionaire up for new students, I'll get Fumihiko to translate it later. I also registered as a teacher on-line. If any local students are looking for a teacher we will be able to connect. Hurray.

I also took a shower and received my order of foreign foods today. Unfortunately there was a bit of a problem. Two cans of my diet drink are missing, and I got an extra of something else. Do they cancel each other out? I don't know!

Hubby was really late tonight. He didn't come in until 10 pm. He'd had to go to Yamagata city tonight. Sigh.

We chatted for a bit, then went to Gusto for dinner. I had a Japanese style burger with a chicken and mushroom salad. It was good.

We came home and now it was Fumihiko's turn to do laundry. I got the garbage ready for him to take out tomorrow morning. He's just gone to bed now, he's reading a book. I should really go soon too as I'm tired and I didn't take a nap after all.

And that was my day. It was okay. Not bad at all. Night!


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