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May 18, 2006 - Thursday

Sunny and warm today.

An okay day. I woke up early this morning, even before my alarm when off. When I got up, sat on the couch and watched the news. I woke up a bit later, when the English news came on.

I cleaned the toilet in the morning, did some computer stuff and finally got around to eating lunch.

When I was expecting Fumihiko to come home soon I started preparing dinner. I had to wash and chop a lot of veggies. He came home, but we went out soon after.

First we went to pick up my business cards, and then we dropped some stuff off at the school. I had a screaming headache at the time. And, we were listening to Reba McEntire in the car. Now, believe me when I say that I really like her. BUT, some of her songs make me cry. One of those came on when we were going to the printers and it was all I could do to stop myself bawling my eyes out. Dear Hubby didn't seem to notice.

When we got back home I went into cooking mode. I finished up the veggies and suggested strongly to hubby that he make us something to drink. I stir-fried the veggies and added the pork. Everything was yummy. I'd put a bit of worchester sauce (did I mention I got some in Guam?) on the pork and it added a nice bit of flavour. The stirfry was a mix of eggplant, cucumber, cabbage, shimeji mushrooms, onions, spinach and broccoli, and it was good.

Fumihiko did the dishes and then he got to work. He's translating the questionaire that I wrote up yesterday for me. It'll be in English and Japanese. It's a lot of work so I really appreciate him for doing that for me.

I didn't feel that well so I had a 15 minute nap on the couch. I'm better now, but I think I'll try and get to bed a bit earlier than I did last night.

That's about it from me for tonight.

Oh, wait, I lied! The Edmonton Oilers won their game. They're moving on in the Stanley Cup. How cool. It's been years since they've done this well.

Have a good one! Later....


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