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May 16, 2006 - Tuesday

Sunny and warm day.

Fumihiko had a really hard time getting up for work today. After 3 days off, he just didn't feel like it. Later, neither did I! But I did. I was a woman with a mission.

I showered, drank lots of coffee and ate brunch. I left the apartment at 1:15 and took my secret way to the school/apartment. I got there in 10 minutes. That was pretty good I thought. I got busy. I unwrapped some of the stuff that I bought yesterday. I did things like put out toilet paper, open the room deodorizer, take the tags off the new towels, all that kind of thing. I even washed the towels. Just before 2:00 the Gas Guy came. He buzzed me, but was working on the side so I couldn't see him. I went out and he asked if it was okay to check that the gas was working. He ran the hot water in the kitchenette sink and very carefully showed me that pink means hot and blue means cold. Umm, I already knew that, but since he was doing his job I didn't say anything! He checked that the water in the bathroom was working too, then gave me some papers and left.

I did more work, hung up the wet towels in the bathroom, and then went to the drugstore. I was on the search for glasses. I didn't find any that I liked! Something about Japan, it's hard to just find plain, ordinary things! I could easily buy gorgeous, expensive glasses with patterns or fabulous wine glasses, but if I want plain clear glasses with nothing on them, I'm out of luck. Sigh. Still, I did get a couple of pairs of slippers, some dishwashing liquid...even though there's no dishes, and a new jug for putting tea and coffee in the fridge with. My backpack full, I went backt to the school.

I unpacked, set things up a bit and then sat on the floor, read my Glamour (thanks Van) and drank a Diet Coke. It was nice and peaceful. Around 4 I decided to go out again, and then come back. I went to Kaneta, a kind of cheap store with some nice stuff. I got more towels and some dusters. I was going to go back to the school, but I decided not to. I went home instead.

I did a bit of computer stuff, and then Fumihiko came home. We'd received a fax from the printing company with my meishi (business cards) on it and we wanted to make a couple of changes. We also had gotten a call from the electronics shop saying that my tape player had arrived.

We went to the printing place first. The lady we talked to yesterday wasn't there, so we explained what I wanted. Fine and dandy. They'll fax us again tomorrow. Yay. Then we went to the electronics store. I first went to pick up the other stereo I planned to buy and went to the checkout to get the tape player. I saw a calculator sitting on the desk so picked that up too. I went to get my wallet out of my purse, but it wasn't there. Earlier I had used my backpack for transporting my shopping and I'd left my wallet in my backpack. I didn't have any ID or money at all! Luckily, my lovely husband stepped in and paid for me. Hurray! (I paid him back later, I promise.)

We stopped off at the school and I showed him the things I'd done. He also set up the TV system for me. It isn't all free. If I want to use it I have to purchase a "card" to access some of the areas. Oh well. I'm not going to be there to watch TV anyway.

We came home and got supper ready. We had shabu-shabu and it was delicious. We had a mix of pork and beef, with tofu, cabbage, konnakyu, spinach, mushrooms and long onions. It was really good. It was the first time we'd had it with cabbage and spinach and I have to say that I liked it better than hacksai.

I did the dishes after dinner and Fumihiko tried to fix the fax machine. For some reason, the ink doesn't come out right. The fax we received today was pink. Pretty, but it was supposed to be black. I don't know if he got it working. I messed around with it later too and it worked a bit, but the black didn't work very well. Sigh.

We watched Monk while I tried desperately to find the missing disk from my printer. After the great crash, I haven't been able to use it at all. I couldn't find it. Fumihiko took his bath and then I did a net search. I finally managed to download it off the company's Japanese Website. Wahoo. I was impressed with myself because I can't read kanji at all! When he finished his bath I got him to change the ink cartridges in my printer. That was nice of him. It works again. Good isn't it??

The rest of the night passed really well. He was very chatty tonight, and we talked for a while about ex-coworkers. He had a late night snack and has finally gone off to bed. I hope to get there fairly soon. I'm trying to make plans for my day tomorrow. I don't have any yet. I'm not cooking so I don't have much to do. I might take a swing by the apartment, or hit another 100 yen shop to see about those glasses. I haven't decided.

Anyway, that's about it for my day. I'll catch you tomorrow. Night-night.


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