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October 11, 2006 - Wednesday

Cloudy and cooler.

A pretty good day, sort of! I got up earlier today than I did yesterday, but not as early as I had planned. At least I got up!

I was a bit busier than usual this morning and I actually vacuumed the living room and bathroom. Amazing, isn't it? Yes! I cooked my lunch and around 2 I left the apartment.

First I went to the post office. I had to make a couple of payments and also I wanted to send off some pictures to my friends and sister. I've been putting it off for a while. I knew I wouldn't have time to do it tomorrow and Friday is getting a bit late again.

After the post office I cycled off to my school. I got there later than I wanted, but I was mostly set up anyway so it didn't matter. I changed and did a few last minute things. My lessons today both went well, I'm happy to say, although the second student was a bit late. In between the classes I had an hour so I started a book I bought a few weeks ago. It's about a book that nobody read! Seriously. It's about Copernicus treatise (maybe wrong word) on the planets revolving around the sun rather than around the Earth. It's a non-fiction work, and is quite fascinating at the moment. I hope it stays that way.

When I finished my classes I texted Fumihiko and then went off. First I visited the drugstore and then the grocery store. I wanted to get something to supplement our dinner. I got a salad and some chicken drumsticks.

When I got home, Fumihiko was doing laundry and watching something weird on TV. I started preparing dinner and when I finished and sat down to eat dinner he was still watching it. Although he turned off the TV to eat, as soon as dinner was finished he turned it back on again. Argh. It was some really boring "Super Athlete" show. They make people who should know better do some kind of obstacle course. I was a bit peeved because I'd suggested that we have a movie night tonight and he'd seemed to agree. So, I did my computer stuff and he watched that. Then, at 10 he went off to have a shower and I watched Desperate Housewives. He watched a bit, but rewound the tape after and rewatched it. My show was oooodles more interesting than his!

And that was my day. I've been on my computer writing email or whatever for the last couple of hours. Hubby is snoring on the couch. He looks pretty tired, poor guy.

Anyway, tomorrow I have two classes again, but a big gap inbetween. I'm trying to decide what to do with myself. I might come home. That might be nice.

Gotta go! Night.


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